Cluster Resources (Expanse)#
One might also want to submit bulk jobs while using NMMA. Here, we have included an example script for job submission (called as in SLURM. This job was submitted on SDSC’s Expanse (ACCESS) cluster:
#SBATCH --job-name=gw170817_gp_test.job
#SBATCH --output=logs/gw170817_gp_test.out
#SBATCH --error=logs/gw170817_gp_test.err
#SBATCH -p compute
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=10
#SBATCH --mem=249325M
#SBATCH --time=00:30:00
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --mail-user= your_full_email
#SBATCH -A <<project*>>
#SBATCH --export=ALL
module purge
module load sdsc
module load cpu/0.15.4 gcc/10.2.0 intel-mpi/2019.8.254
source /home/username/anaconda3/bin/activate nmma_env
export PATH=$PATH:/home/username/anaconda3/lib/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/username/anaconda3/lib/
mpiexec -n 10 lightcurve-analysis --model Me2017 --outdir outdir --label injection --prior /home/username/nmma/priors/Me2017.prior --tmin 0.1 --tmax 20 --dt 0.5 --error-budget 1 --nlive 512 --Ebv-max 0 --injection /home/username/nmma/injection.json --injection-num 0 --injection-outfile outdir/lc.csv --generation-seed 42 --filters u,g,r,i,z,y,J,H,K --plot --remove-nondetections
To submit the job, run:
To check the job allotment, you can run:
squeue -u username
Test runs on other clusters are currently in progress. Further examples on other cluster resources will be subsequently added.
Generating a slurm script#
code in the tools
directory can be used to generate a slurm script for Expanse. This code takes all arguments accepted by em/
. Some of these arguments can be defined as wildcards in the generated slurm script so that different values can be provided for unique script runs.
Specifically, the --model
, --label
, --trigger_time
, --data
, --tmin
, --tmax
, and --dt
arguments can be set to None
or nan
(depending on input data type) to instead reference the environment variables $MODEL
, $TT
, and $DT
in the slurm script.
Additionally, if --prior
is not specified, it is filled as priors/$MODEL.prior
. --outdir
is always filled as args.outdir/$LABEL
to create a separate directory for each unique label.
Finally, setting the boolean flag --skip-sampling
will connect it with the environment variable $SKIP_SAMPLING
in the slurm script. When submitting the script, this variable should contain a string (either "--skip-sampling"
or ""
) in order for the script to successfully recognize the presence or absence of this flag.
Slurm scripts are submitted asynchronously via the sbatch
command, and the --export
argument allows environment variables to be passed to the script. To make use of the variables above to customize a run, use a command like the following:
sbatch --export=MODEL=Bu2019lm,LABEL=ZTF21abdpqpq_1696550950.272051,TT=59361.0,DATA=example_files/candidate_data/ZTF21abdpqpq.dat,TMIN=0.0,TMAX=14.0,DT=0.1,SKIP_SAMPLING="--skip-sampling" slurm.sub
Above, slurm.sub
is the name of the file generated by
. The slurm-specific arguments of this code are described below:
: number of cores to use when running--job-name
: name of slurm job--logs-dir-name
: name of directory within nmma to save slurm logs--cluster-name
: name of cluster (currently only"Expanse"
is supported)--partition-type
: name of HPC partition to request for jobs--nodes
: number of nodes to request--gpus
: number of GPUs to request--memory-GB
: memory allocation to request--time
: maximum walltime for job to run--mail-type
: whether/how to receive emails about job status (e.g."NONE", "FAIL", "ALL"
: contact email address--account-name
: name of HPC account--python-env-name
: name of python environment name with NMMA installed--script-name
: name of slurm script