It is common to have light curves on “grids”, for which you have a discrete set of parameters for which the lightcurves were simulated. For example, we may know the lightcurves to expect for specific masses m_1 and m_2, but not for any masses between the two.
We rely on sampling from a grid of modeled lightcurves through the use of Principle Component Analysis (PCA) and an interpolation scheme (either Gaussian process modeling or neural networks). The PCA serves to represent each light curve by a small number of “eigenvalues”, rather than the full lightcurve. After performing PCA, you will have a discrete grid of models that relate merger parameters to a few lightcurve eigenvalues rather than the whole lightcurve.
At this point, you can model this grid as either a Gaussian process or Neural Network. This will allow you to form a continuous map from merger parameters to lightcurve eigenvalues, which are then converted directly to the set of light curve parameters that most likely resulted in this lightcurve.
For a list of example training calls on various model grids using tensorflow, see tools/
Training details#
There are helper functions within NMMA to support this. In particular,
is designed to take in a grid of models and return an interpolation class.
There are two types of interpolations supported within NMMA currently: scikit-learn’s Gaussian Process (sklearn_gp) and tensorflow. In the following, we take tensorflow as our example, but these are interchangable. To start out with, you will need a grid of files in a mildly idiosyncratic format:
# t[days] sdss::u sdss::g sdss::r sdss::i sdss::z swope2::y swope2::J swope2::H cspk
0.103 -13.939 -13.680 -13.929 -14.843 -14.631 -14.398 -11.944 -10.784 -3.702
0.109 -14.373 -14.430 -14.922 -15.113 -15.187 -14.642 -13.457 -11.719 -7.482
0.116 -14.727 -15.018 -15.670 -15.338 -15.589 -14.870 -14.624 -12.553 -10.453
0.122 -15.007 -15.459 -16.202 -15.522 -15.858 -15.081 -15.484 -13.288 -12.702
0.130 -15.222 -15.773 -16.545 -15.669 -16.014 -15.275 -16.079 -13.930 -14.321
0.137 -15.377 -15.976 -16.729 -15.783 -16.079 -15.449 -16.447 -14.482 -15.397
0.145 -15.481 -16.086 -16.782 -15.869 -16.072 -15.605 -16.630 -14.947 -16.021
0.154 -15.540 -16.122 -16.733 -15.931 -16.016 -15.740 -16.667 -15.330 -16.281
0.163 -15.561 -16.099 -16.610 -15.972 -15.931 -15.853 -16.599 -15.633 -16.268
Typically, the file parameter values are encoded in the file header name. Therefore, we have a helper set of functions defined here: nmma/em/, one for each model, that translates the filenames into dictionaries with the parameters encoded. For example:
def Bu2022mv(data):
data_out = {}
parameters = ["log10_mej_dyn", "vej_dyn", "log10_mej_wind", "vej_wind", "KNtheta"]
parameters_idx = [0, 1, 3, 4, 6]
magkeys = data.keys()
for jj, key in enumerate(magkeys):
rr = [np.abs(float(x)) for x in re.findall(r"[-+]?[.]?[\d]+(?:,\d\d\d)*[\.]?\d*(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?", key)]
# Best to interpolate mass in log10 space
rr[0] = np.log10(rr[0])
rr[3] = np.log10(rr[3])
data_out[key] = {param:rr[idx] for param,idx in zip(parameters, parameters_idx)}
data_out[key] = {**data_out[key], **data[key]}
return data_out, parameters
A new function will need to be added to nmma/em/ to each model grid that is desired. Once this is done, training can begin:
create-svdmodel --model Bu2022mv --svd-path svdmodels --interpolation-type tensorflow --tmin 0.0 --tmax 21.0 --dt 0.1 --data-path output/bulla_2Comp_mv --plot --tensorflow-nepochs 100
The output will look something like:
Training new model
Normalizing mag filter u...
Normalizing mag filter g...
Normalizing mag filter r...
Normalizing mag filter i...
Normalizing mag filter z...
Normalizing mag filter y...
Normalizing mag filter J...
Normalizing mag filter H...
Normalizing mag filter K...
Computing NN for filter u...
Epoch 1/50
61/61 [==============================] - 0s 5ms/step - loss: 2.6934 - val_loss: 0.7583
Epoch 2/50
61/61 [==============================] - 0s 943us/step - loss: 0.5029 - val_loss: 0.3023
Epoch 3/50
61/61 [==============================] - 0s 896us/step - loss: 0.2313 - val_loss: 0.1542
and so on. The model files are then written to the path given by –svd-path. As a crosscheck, an example interpolated model is plotted over one of the grid points automatically:
This model is then ready to use in an analysis.
lightcurve-analysis --model Bu2022mv --interpolation-type tensorflow --svd-path svdmodels --outdir outdir --label AT2017gfo --trigger-time 57982.5285236896 --data example_files/lightcurves/GW170817.dat --prior priors/Bu2022mv.prior
To continue training an existing tensorflow model (e.g. on additional data), set the –continue-training flag.
For the HDF5 file format, the resample-grid
script enables downsampling and fragmentation into smaller components to make training less computationally demanding. For example:
resample-grid --gridpath nmma/tests/data/lowmass_collapsar_updated.h5 --factor 5 --do-downsample
Evaluating training results#
While the neural network training output includes diagnostic plots like loss functions, we recommend using svdmodel-benchmark
to perform a more thorough evaluation. This code uses the trained NN to re-generate each light curve in the grid used for training and computes a reduced chi-squared value between the two. The distribution of these reduced chi-squared values are plotted filter-by-filter and saved in a json file.
The plot-svdmodel-benchmarks
script reads the json file associated with each model in a directory and creates a single bar plot per model showing the 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles of the reduced chi-squared distributions for each filter. The plots also list the maximum chi-squared value across all filters. This output provides a useful summary of training for each model, and these plots are included on the gitlab repo that contains the latest trained models.
Spectral grids#
Often, the simulations come on spectral grids rather than as light curves, and it could be useful to create surrogate models for these spectral grids instead. In this case, the software expects files of the form:
with columns of wavelength, time in days, and flux.
These can be trained in a similar form to the light curves with:
create-svdmodel --model Bu2019lm --data-type spectroscopy --svd-path svdmodels --interpolation-type tensorflow --tmin 0.0 --tmax 21.0 --dt 0.1 --data-path output/m3_spectra --plot --tensorflow-nepochs 20